STOP THROWING MONEY AWAY ON JUST RENT! RENT TO OWN INSTEAD! Stop dealing with other landlords who ignore you and never fix anything. Own your own home! You can qualify and own this home regardless of your credit score. Everyone deserves the opportunity to own their own home and this is yours. As long as you can show a history of paying all of your bills on time then this is your chance. This is a beautiful 4 bedroom 2 bath home with garage and basement.! For only $1,150 a month! Outside is complete with a large backyard. Conveniently located in very popular area with easy access to expressways. Doesn’t get better then that! If you are ready for the pride of ownership rather than wasting your money every month on just rent and dealing with bad landlords.
go to to get prequalified for our agent to give you a call and talk about our program, this home and other homes available.
This home is being rehabbed and will be available in Mid December 2020